Rules & Guidelines

1.1 All players subscribed to the league are eligible for participation upon payment verification.

1.2 We encourage all players to select division/s that offers good, competitive matches.

    The final determination of your league will be made by the Administrator using the following criteria:

                   Your choice of location zone & Best estimate to your level

                   1=beginner   2= Averge  3= Intermediate  4=Advanced  5= Pro 

1.3 players must follow PADEL game rules at any point of the competitive matches 

As per FIP announced regulations , any alterations will not be binding to Seniors padel acceptance

1.4 Players have to commit to announced schedule and calendar to allow season completed on time

 2.1 Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your matches!

Contact your opponent as soon as you receive your schedule. Be considerate and flexible within 7 days of your deadline only 

2.2    Scheduling your matches:

Seniors padel platform allows you a week to play each match.. All matches have a "Fixed Deadline" date.

             During registration player will select preference day & timings of the weekdays for

             which he will play the HOME MATCH 

            This date will appear on the schedule and should be binding to both teams 

             In case AWAY TEAM needs to reschedule , it is the responsibility of the AWAY TEAM

             to contact HOME TEAM to reschedule and it will be subject to home team acceptance 

The Deadline date means the last day a score may be posted for that match. Directions and scheduled match time should be confirmed with the opponent.

Matches can not be postponed  , league admin has the right to cancel the game / report forfiet in case of any delays that will impact total schedule 

2.3      Schedule:

Your schedule is both teams responsibility taking into consideration HOME TEAM will take charge of booking courts 

Each Team MUST play 1 game per week at least 

2.4    Match Times:

Matches are encouraged to be played at the most convenient timings or both parties

During the weekdays  6pm – 10pm , weekends 11 am – 10pm

Both players/teams are responsible for contacting their opponents 4 days prior to the Scheduled Week.

Each player/team offers 2 available dates to play the match or agrees to a date offered by the opponents.

 Once the match is scheduled, the "Rescheduling" rule would apply if the scheduled match is cancelled.

If you are unable to contact your opponent, check your "online schedule" to see if there have been any updates to your division. New phone numbers, email address, withdrawn and replacement player information

If you have attempted to contact your opponent at least twice, using both phone and email and received no reply  you may choose one of the following options:

  •    Report a default hence you shall be announced winner
  •    Schedule another game with a substitute team from another scheduled week

During registration player will select preference day & timings of the weekdays for which he will play the HOME MATCH 

This date will appear on the schedule and should be binding to both teams 

In case AWAY TEAM needs to reschedule , it is the responsibility of the AWAY TEAM to contact HOME TEAM to reschedule 

and it will be subject to home team acceptance 

You may reschedule your match one time provided you give your opponents at least 24 hours notice (you must receive confirmation back from your opponent that they received your rescheduling request ) If you give your opponents less than 24 hours notice OR need to reschedule more than once, your opponent has the option of not rescheduling or recording a "win by default". If both players/teams can’t agree on a later date to play the match, the opponent will take the win by default.


The winning player/team MUST post the match score before midnight of the “deadline” date listed on your schedule. However, all players can report scores and are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all scores are reported on time and accurately.

Our listed courts on the website are the recommended ones with acceptable turf and services

If the team will choose another court for the home game , you are advised to consider the below general points :

  • Public restroom facilities must be accessible and available during the entire match.
  • Court surface must be in good condition.
  • Courts must have adequate lighting for evening play.
  • Parking areas

Note: pls note that court fees will be shared between teams 

SENIORS PADEL league fees does not include court rentals or any needed equipment for playing

There is a 20 minute default rule. After 20 minutes, the waiting player/team has the option of taking the win by forfeit or waiting longer for the opponent to arrive. Schedules list cell phone numbers so you should at least try to contact a late opponent to be sure they aren’t lost or having traffic problems.


All players / teams are advised to self referee but also welcomed to use a third party referee agreed by match sides

Any disputes or disagreements should be resolved amicably on court or reported to league admin.

Playoffs will be organized by seniors padel after league season has ended

In the Form of 2 days knock out tournament , calendar and locations will be advised in due timings

Top teams from each group will be qualified based on number of groups/categories 

Impossible weather to proceed will be identified by all parties as not suitable to play the games

Such as rain ,fog ,frost , high temperatures …etc

A.    All matches are best of 3 sets.

B.    Set Completion

A set is completed when one player wins 6 games by a margin of 2 games. If the set score reaches 6-6, a tie break is played

C.    Tie break in lieu of a 3rd set

    IF ALL PLAYERS AGREE, you may play a 10 point tiebreaker in lieu of a 3rd set.

D.    Reporting scores:

Scores for all matches (including "Forfeits" and "Retired" matches) must be reported by the winning player/team by midnight of the “deadline” date. Record the actual set scores.

E.    Earning Points:

Players/Teams receive points based on the set scores of your match. Point Calculations:

The Winning Player/Team Receives:

12 points for a 3 set win

14 points for a 2 set win

The Losing Team Receives:

One point for each game won in their “two highest scoring sets”.

A losing player/team can receive up to a maximum of 8 points per match.


Example match score: 6-4, 6-2

winner receives 14 points

loser receives 6 points

Example match score: 6-2, 4-6, 7-5

winner receives 12 points

loser receives 8 points


F.    Win by default

A "Win by default" is reported when the opponent(s) is not available to play the match or does not respond to the opponent’s emails and phone calls by the set deadline date

G.    Retired matches:

A retired match is the result of one player/team. A "Retired" win is reported by the winning player/team when a match cannot continue due to injury, illness, personal reasons

H.    Incomplete matches:

An incomplete match is the result of weather or some uncontrollable event and not the result of a player/team. The games completed should be reported if the match will not be finished.

I.    No Score Reported:

If a match score is not reported, the match will be shown as a blank or not played and each team will receive 0 points.


K.    Scores Reported Incorrectly

To help avoid the incorrect reporting of scores, players should confirm the final score with each other once the match is completed. The winning player should then report the match scores as soon as possible. If a player discovers an incorrect score, they should confirm the correct match score with their opponent and may re-report it prior to the deadline. Corrections of scores that are beyond a scoring deadline should be emailed to Customer Service. It is in the best interest of all players regardless of who wins or loses a match to review their scores on a regular basis so that corrections can be made in a timely manner. The League Office will not make corrections to scores once the final deadline for the season passes.



 Division Winners are determined by the player/team with the most points. If there is a tie, a head to head rule applies 

A.    On Court Conflicts

To ensure a positive match experience players are responsible for knowing the rules, enforcing them while on court and conducting themselves in a manner representative of the league's Code of Conduct

These conflicts include:

excessive questioning of calls

Scoring Issues

Rude Behavior

Because a league representative is not present during matches, we cannot take one player's word over the other. Players who encounter conflicts on court are expected to resolve them in an adult like manner on the court. The League Office will not mediate matches or settle disputes between players regarding these types of conflicts. Resolving on Court Conflicts provides helpful information on how players can work together to solve conflicts if and when they occur.

B.    On Court Disputes

The best way to avoid scoring conflicts is to call out scores clearly before the start of each point as well as each game. When a dispute in scoring occurs, players must go back to the last point or game in which they agree upon and resume the match from there.

C.    Code of Conduct

Good sportsmanship begins with treating opponents with respect. The tone of the match is set from the first call to an opponent, to the last handshake over the net. Because matches are played without an official, players are on the honor system and must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner both on and off the court.

All players must wear appropriate non offensive cloths at all times

Players subjected to threatening verbal abuse should issue a warning to their opponent stating they are violating the Code of Conduct and request that the behavior stop. If further abuse occurs, the player should leave the match and report the violation to the league office immediately. League admin will review the offense and make a ruling. If during the course of our investigation we determine a complaint to be valid, the offending player will not only lose the match but will be subjected to immediate and permanent suspension from the league.

Note: Players suspended from league play will not receive a refund or credit for the season


1.1 All players subscribed to the league are eligible for participation upon payment verification.

1.2 We encourage all players to select division/s that offers good, competitive matches.

    The final determination of your league will be made by the Administrator using the following criteria:

                   Your choice of location zone & Best estimate to your level

                   1=beginner   2= Averge  3= Intermediate  4=Advanced  5= Pro 

1.3 players must follow PADEL game rules at any point of the competitive matches 

As per FIP announced regulations , any alterations will not be binding to Seniors padel acceptance

1.4 Players have to commit to announced schedule and calendar to allow season completed on time

 2.1 Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your matches!

Contact your opponent as soon as you receive your schedule. Be considerate and flexible within 7 days of your deadline only 

2.2    Scheduling your matches:

Seniors padel platform allows you a week to play each match.. All matches have a "Fixed Deadline" date.

             During registration player will select preference day & timings of the weekdays for

             which he will play the HOME MATCH 

            This date will appear on the schedule and should be binding to both teams 

             In case AWAY TEAM needs to reschedule , it is the responsibility of the AWAY TEAM

             to contact HOME TEAM to reschedule and it will be subject to home team acceptance 

The Deadline date means the last day a score may be posted for that match. Directions and scheduled match time should be confirmed with the opponent.

Matches can not be postponed  , league admin has the right to cancel the game / report forfiet in case of any delays that will impact total schedule 

2.3      Schedule:

Your schedule is both teams responsibility taking into consideration HOME TEAM will take charge of booking courts 

Each Team MUST play 1 game per week at least 

2.4    Match Times:

Matches are encouraged to be played at the most convenient timings or both parties

During the weekdays  6pm – 10pm , weekends 11 am – 10pm

Both players/teams are responsible for contacting their opponents 4 days prior to the Scheduled Week.

Each player/team offers 2 available dates to play the match or agrees to a date offered by the opponents.

 Once the match is scheduled, the "Rescheduling" rule would apply if the scheduled match is cancelled.

If you are unable to contact your opponent, check your "online schedule" to see if there have been any updates to your division. New phone numbers, email address, withdrawn and replacement player information

If you have attempted to contact your opponent at least twice, using both phone and email and received no reply  you may choose one of the following options:

  •    Report a default hence you shall be announced winner
  •    Schedule another game with a substitute team from another scheduled week

During registration player will select preference day & timings of the weekdays for which he will play the HOME MATCH 

This date will appear on the schedule and should be binding to both teams 

In case AWAY TEAM needs to reschedule , it is the responsibility of the AWAY TEAM to contact HOME TEAM to reschedule 

and it will be subject to home team acceptance 

You may reschedule your match one time provided you give your opponents at least 24 hours notice (you must receive confirmation back from your opponent that they received your rescheduling request ) If you give your opponents less than 24 hours notice OR need to reschedule more than once, your opponent has the option of not rescheduling or recording a "win by default". If both players/teams can’t agree on a later date to play the match, the opponent will take the win by default.


The winning player/team MUST post the match score before midnight of the “deadline” date listed on your schedule. However, all players can report scores and are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all scores are reported on time and accurately.

Our listed courts on the website are the recommended ones with acceptable turf and services

If the team will choose another court for the home game , you are advised to consider the below general points :

  • Public restroom facilities must be accessible and available during the entire match.
  • Court surface must be in good condition.
  • Courts must have adequate lighting for evening play.
  • Parking areas

Note: pls note that court fees will be shared between teams 

SENIORS PADEL league fees does not include court rentals or any needed equipment for playing

There is a 20 minute default rule. After 20 minutes, the waiting player/team has the option of taking the win by forfeit or waiting longer for the opponent to arrive. Schedules list cell phone numbers so you should at least try to contact a late opponent to be sure they aren’t lost or having traffic problems.


All players / teams are advised to self referee but also welcomed to use a third party referee agreed by match sides

Any disputes or disagreements should be resolved amicably on court or reported to league admin.

Playoffs will be organized by seniors padel after league season has ended

In the Form of 2 days knock out tournament , calendar and locations will be advised in due timings

Top teams from each group will be qualified based on number of groups/categories 

Impossible weather to proceed will be identified by all parties as not suitable to play the games

Such as rain ,fog ,frost , high temperatures …etc

A.    All matches are best of 3 sets.

B.    Set Completion

A set is completed when one player wins 6 games by a margin of 2 games. If the set score reaches 6-6, a tie break is played

C.    Tie break in lieu of a 3rd set

    IF ALL PLAYERS AGREE, you may play a 10 point tiebreaker in lieu of a 3rd set.

D.    Reporting scores:

Scores for all matches (including "Forfeits" and "Retired" matches) must be reported by the winning player/team by midnight of the “deadline” date. Record the actual set scores.

E.    Earning Points:

Players/Teams receive points based on the set scores of your match. Point Calculations:

The Winning Player/Team Receives:

12 points for a 3 set win

14 points for a 2 set win

The Losing Team Receives:

One point for each game won in their “two highest scoring sets”.

A losing player/team can receive up to a maximum of 8 points per match.


Example match score: 6-4, 6-2

winner receives 14 points

loser receives 6 points

Example match score: 6-2, 4-6, 7-5

winner receives 12 points

loser receives 8 points


F.    Win by default

A "Win by default" is reported when the opponent(s) is not available to play the match or does not respond to the opponent’s emails and phone calls by the set deadline date

G.    Retired matches:

A retired match is the result of one player/team. A "Retired" win is reported by the winning player/team when a match cannot continue due to injury, illness, personal reasons

H.    Incomplete matches:

An incomplete match is the result of weather or some uncontrollable event and not the result of a player/team. The games completed should be reported if the match will not be finished.

I.    No Score Reported:

If a match score is not reported, the match will be shown as a blank or not played and each team will receive 0 points.


K.    Scores Reported Incorrectly

To help avoid the incorrect reporting of scores, players should confirm the final score with each other once the match is completed. The winning player should then report the match scores as soon as possible. If a player discovers an incorrect score, they should confirm the correct match score with their opponent and may re-report it prior to the deadline. Corrections of scores that are beyond a scoring deadline should be emailed to Customer Service. It is in the best interest of all players regardless of who wins or loses a match to review their scores on a regular basis so that corrections can be made in a timely manner. The League Office will not make corrections to scores once the final deadline for the season passes.



 Division Winners are determined by the player/team with the most points. If there is a tie, a head to head rule applies 

A.    On Court Conflicts

To ensure a positive match experience players are responsible for knowing the rules, enforcing them while on court and conducting themselves in a manner representative of the league's Code of Conduct

These conflicts include:

excessive questioning of calls

Scoring Issues

Rude Behavior

Because a league representative is not present during matches, we cannot take one player's word over the other. Players who encounter conflicts on court are expected to resolve them in an adult like manner on the court. The League Office will not mediate matches or settle disputes between players regarding these types of conflicts. Resolving on Court Conflicts provides helpful information on how players can work together to solve conflicts if and when they occur.

B.    On Court Disputes

The best way to avoid scoring conflicts is to call out scores clearly before the start of each point as well as each game. When a dispute in scoring occurs, players must go back to the last point or game in which they agree upon and resume the match from there.

C.    Code of Conduct

Good sportsmanship begins with treating opponents with respect. The tone of the match is set from the first call to an opponent, to the last handshake over the net. Because matches are played without an official, players are on the honor system and must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner both on and off the court.

All players must wear appropriate non offensive cloths at all times

Players subjected to threatening verbal abuse should issue a warning to their opponent stating they are violating the Code of Conduct and request that the behavior stop. If further abuse occurs, the player should leave the match and report the violation to the league office immediately. League admin will review the offense and make a ruling. If during the course of our investigation we determine a complaint to be valid, the offending player will not only lose the match but will be subjected to immediate and permanent suspension from the league.

Note: Players suspended from league play will not receive a refund or credit for the season